On a Wishing Star

by Grace Delight   Nov 1, 2007

It came one clear night
i saw it among the clouds
that one twinkling light

my eyes shut tight
i made a wish
one that i would hold close
but don't finish

something interrupted my thoughts
threw them askew
at first i was confused
then slowly, i realized it was you

the one i tried to let go of
you whom i tried to forget
but you simply wouldn't let
me slip away

but that night
i saw it among the clouds
that one twinkling light

you float in my thoughts, no longer askew
i put my heart into it all
and wished for you.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Nikko McMorbid

    Loved it. (-_-) huhuhu dam*

  • 17 years ago

    by Caytii

    Aww cute poem!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Caytii

    Aww cute poem!!