A rose in the the thorns

by joseph   Nov 1, 2007

I would take my life
and end my pain
but i would give you strife
and give you shame

you deserve much more and never asked for this to be
we brought you in this world
and would you ever be able to forgive me
and know i loved my little girl

just know your daddys heart is hurting
and is always full of pain
could you forgive me after you stop hurting?
or would your heart be just the same?

now i know just by writing this
i would be trading you my pain
now i know that i cant do this
your life would never be the same

so ill keep my pain hidden from you
and try never to let it show
although i wrote this poem to you
ill never let you know


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  • 17 years ago

    by Jackie

    Such a sad sweet poem, written from the heart 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Alliey May

    Awww thats so sweet yet so sad =*(! But I really like it! 5/5 ha and thats my vote yay!
