Suicidal Thoughts

by Feels Like Ecstacy   Nov 1, 2007

Suicidal thoughts:
Racing through my head.
Suicidal thoughts:
Follow me to my bed.
Suicidal thoughts:
When I think of you.
Suicidal thoughts:
The only feeling that's true.
Blood drips from my:
Eyes because I've cried too many tears.
Blood drips from my:
Soul because they've lied for many years.
Blood drips from my:
Finger tips, falling to the floor.
Blood drips from my:
Wrists. I can't take this any more!
Suicidal thoughts:
Scream inside my mind.
Suicidal thoughts:
Telling me I'm blind.
Suicidal thoughts:
Telling me what's true.
Suicidal thoughts:
I'm not good enough for you.
Blood drips from my:
Wrists again. I'm just letting go.
Blood drips from my:
Neck. How did I get this low?
Blood drips from my:
Eyes again. A heavy, thick, red stain.
Blood drips from my:
Knife once more, for years its felt my pain.

BTW... I dont cut where it's noticeable.. so the places where I say I cut.. arent like my wrists or neck.. its other places.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Empty Space

    Really powerful poem, made me think. hold on, it's gonna be worth it.

  • 17 years ago

    by JUSTkeepFALLING

    Good poem, it turned out pretty well
    only line id look back at was

    Blood drips from my:
    Wrists again. I'll make sure to end this time.
    Blood drips from my:
    Neck. A real nasty kind

    bit of a tough rhyme, if you could make the last line a little bit longer and a better word to rhyme with time, this would be perfect

  • 17 years ago

    by ItsYou ItsAlwaysBeenYou

    I really like the layout and how you set up the words. it adds so much to an already amazing poem. i think the repetition that "buying happiness by the bottle" commented on was what made it so special. great job :)

  • 17 years ago

    by Aureus Argentum

    Wow. I like it. Very emotional... dark :) Kudos! 5/5 :)

  • 17 years ago

    by Fear2love

    This poem, wow , its speechless, it feels like lyrics to a rock song, and thats cool.....