A best friend is someone who trusts u.
Trusts u and knows u the best.
A best friend is someone who will never leave u for another one.
Even if she/he does, they'll just tell you the truth.
A best friend will always have something to talk about when he/she is around you,
Eventhough u haven't met them in a week or so.
A best friend never makes you cry,
If she/he does, they'll say sorry and mean it.
A best friend don't need a hint to know what they did wrong,
They'll figure it out themselves and immediately apologize.
A best friend?
A best friend is like a mirror.
U love to look at it everyday.
It shows who u are.
When it breaks,
You might get to put the pieces together
But it will never be the same as before.
-What is a best friend anyway? They'll be your best friend for a year and then when they meet someone new, u'll just have to accept now there's 3 person. So just leave and make it 2 again.-