The emotions prayer

by Switchblade89   Nov 2, 2007

Our emotions, who grow inside us,
hollow it be thy name,
give us this day our daily love,
and support us through the good and bad,
as we accept others who have promised as well,
to help and accept our ups and downs,
and to hold us together even after death,
forever and ever I ask

-Robert Flores-


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Latest Comments

  • Nicely done. I loved it <3


  • 16 years ago

    by 0oAshleyo0

    I really really like this alot!
    its amazing and so filled with emotions!
    Great job!
    keep it up!
    im def adding you to my fave authors. :)


  • 16 years ago

    by xXxUNOxXx

    That was really good, hun. Keep up the good work.

  • 16 years ago

    by GretaInsideOut

    Ah, a spin on the old Our Father. Very well done, with a pun intended, yet you didn't make it stupid. Great job

    Greta, xx

    P.S thankyou for the comment on my poem =]

  • 17 years ago

    by Natasha

    Thank you for writing, beautiful!

    ~* Natasha *~