Wanted her, got her, dropped her.

by Angel Of Death   Nov 3, 2007

Forget it, she's done,
She's sick of your shit.
If you wanted her in your life,
You would have put her in it.

But you didn't hold on,
You just slipped away.
You walked out on her,
Left her feeling betrayed.

One minute you want her,
The next it's got to end.
Make her feel she has a chance,
Then mention that you have a girlfriend.

If you told her that at the start,
It would have made a difference,
Cause now you've broke her heart,
And now she hates the distance.

Three hours apart,
Never seemed so far,
But with you, you got her heart,
And without it, every things so hard.

You got her when you wanted her,
But then dropped her like a phase,
Like it didn't mean a thing to you,
She's just something for you to do
When your girlfriends gone away.

xx love


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  • 16 years ago

    by Inside the Liar

    Wow. I've felt this way about many a boy, which made this poem even better for me. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Ike Dizzle

    Dang i hate guys that do that to girls. It's just like giving them a baby and leaving them ya know. Great poem. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by sexyCheckers

    Love it!!
