Comments : I want to go blind

  • 17 years ago

    by FlawlesslyTarnished

    This was a great poem. .

    people nowadays are too busy
    && consumed in their own thoughts.
    their own needs. their own worries.
    to even care about anything else.
    but themselves anymore. .


  • 17 years ago

    by Simple Sensation

    The repetition of the title worked well in this piece and exaggerated the point you're trying to make. I can see where your coming from in this piece and I think many people when they think about what you have said would agree with you. I saw that you put this poem in the sad category. Personally I think it would work better if you put it in life as this does talk about life and society today. The poem had an ok structure and flow. Again I think you need to use punctuation in your work. But other then that a good job. I could really see what your saying in the piece.

  • 17 years ago

    by musiqlover015

    Wow... yet another astounding creation from a talented poet... this was awesome... funny how i sometimes feel that way myself, maybe it's just weird, idk... but this poem is really awesome

  • 17 years ago

    by Fiend in the Iron Maiden

    Very nice, I liked it allota ^^ 5/5