Suicide Girl's Story

by enigmatic_prey   Nov 5, 2007

Zephyrs whispering my ears
As they passed me by.
Thoughts of suicide
Kept haunting my mind,
However, no one noticed,
I was already dying inside.
I used to try to be strong
In spite of the fact,
Vulnerable, worthless, I was.
People kept hurting me
Without knowing,
I was fragile as a glass.
No one could understand me
Neither my parents nor friends.
They pretended to
Yet, they never knew me well.
Everyone had left me
So that's the reason why
I was all alone...
I was such a wimp.
I was never invincible.
All I did and brought
Were too much trouble.
The only thing I wanted,
The only thing I asked
Was to be accepted
By everyone,
Without wearing my mask.
I waited for a long time
To find my true self again
But still, There is no way
To hide the pain within.
The life I had
Was not worth living
So I decided to end
The pain, hurtful memories
And everything else.
I stayed in my room
For the whole day
And never talked to anyone.
I reached out for my friend,
Hidden under my bed,
Saying "Hello again".
Then, I made a slit
Over my wrists and veins
And it really hurt a bit.
The crimson red blood
Dripped down the floor
Followed by crystal tears
As I cried some more.
I felt the darkness
Embraced me tightly
And with that I smiled.
Because I knew
It was the only way out
From all the overwhelming
Struggles and challenges I had.
There, they found me
Lying, already dead.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Amber

    That was great i loved it!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by I Rita Valentine I

    Wow...all i can say iz wow...well, not exactly.^^ great poem! i enjoyed the whole thing all the way threw!if u want plz check out my poem: special summer even. anyhow loved the poem i'll check out more of your poems soon!

  • 17 years ago

    by TwistedAngel xx

    "Thoughts of suicide
    Kept haunting my mind,
    However, no one noticed,
    I was already dying inside."

    that part was so beautiful
    love ur work
    def a 5/5
    love it!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Nikko McMorbid

    Loved it. (-_-) huhuhu dam*