Numb (the new me)

by Mandy Grace   Nov 5, 2007

There isn't anything left. nothing. i am the dead walking. i feel like i should cry, i feel like i should smile but nothing is coming. i don't have a heart anymore. only a bloody gap where it should be. darkness within me. why does this always happen to me? there once was a girl that would smile at little things and now all you see is nothing. a blank smile, a blank face. a sad girl with memories she can't erase. there is nothing left of me no pain to feel. i wish you weren't real and this was just a messed up dream that left me scared in my sheets. no this is real. this is the new me.

why me??????


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  • 16 years ago

    by Anthony

    This was a good poem. 5/5
    its sad but full of heart. hope you have a newer happier you.

  • 17 years ago

    by David Wallace

    That poem was good can u review a couple of my things?

  • 17 years ago

    by Ken

    Sad poem but still very good

  • 17 years ago

    by Kyle

    Awwww Mandy...this is so so sorry...i hope things get better, im here for you k? good poem though, i'll give ya a 5/5