Midnight Poison

by I Seem to be the Heartless   Nov 6, 2007

I was walking down a sand-path one night,
Just sauntering, kicking at the stones.
There was nowhere that I intended to go,
No one I intended on seeing.
As I continued,
The trees above began to rustle.
I heard a whisper,
An ever-so-gentle call.
It called out my name,
But yet the silence remained.
I strained to hear where it had come from,
Or if it had just been the wind.
The trees swayed as the gusts whistled through -
It was just the wind.

Then came the unmistakable animalistic shriek.
My blood ran cold.
My heart beat quickened.
My knees began to give in.
Then I felt it -
This force pulling at me,
Forcing me into the dark forest,
Luring me to the voice,
That dark, deep, rough voice.
It summoned me,
Beckoning me to where He was,
Ordering to me
To give in to His demonic demeanour.

I stood there in silence,
I wasn't sure what was supposed to happen.
Why was I there?
Why could I not move?
He had me pinned by his evil eyes.

He just stood staring me,
Enjoying the sight of my fear-filled features.
I wanted to scream,
But He silenced me with a kiss,
One so passionate,
So sensual,
So deadly,
That I became lost in His embrace.
I didn't want Him to pull away.
I never wanted Him to stop.
I savoured the taste left on my lips,
Licking off the last traces of His poison.

Suddenly, my eyes began to roll back,
My head felt so light,
I could no longer stand.
The blood in my veins ran cold,
Leaving me bleak.
What had He done?
Why couldn't I breathe?
I fell into a murky pit,
Fell forever into the darkness,
Falling right into His arms.

He held me until I woke.
I had been under His spell,
Trapped by His fatal kiss.
I knew, when I looked up at Him,
That I would never be the same -
I now belonged to Him.
My soul was His;
My mind was His;
My body was His;
I was no longer of the living,
But bound by death
To spend eternity at His side.

05 November 2007


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