Unknown Direction

by Sweet lig   Nov 6, 2007

I'm stuck in the middle for long years;

And I'm out of turns at a crossroads,

With no right direction for me;

I dont know which way to turn,

Only where Ive been,

Its just like I'm sat staring;

Stuck in one place,

Thinking for the right direction;

I am so lost and broken, but...

Suddenly, after a very long years;

Some doors open for me,

To find a new opportunities,

But I'm confused!

Which doors should I open?

Here I am again,

I wanted to go a certain way;

I don't need to be this way!

Some friends give an advice,

But they'd not so sure;

If they are right!

Everyday I felt I am getting further,

And my life seems no right direction;

Now, I'm crying out loud!

Yearning for the right direction,

A cold wind blows from my ear;

Telling me some words but unclear!

Is it the right direction? Or;

Its just an interruption?

But why I'm still unknown?

Though, I have too many choices,

But I don't want to make mistakes;

And I am afraid it could happen.

** i really don't know if this is good*** well thanks for appreciating!


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by Hannah

    This is really great!!!!!! i love the message it seems that i feel this way most of the time,, 5/5 its a perfect kind of poetry, very well express

  • 16 years ago

    by Fantasy

    Wowo, very long, ahah.

    But anywayss.,, i love it!
    I'll tell you,
    you are probably one of my favorite writers =D.
    I give it 5.
    Great Job!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by EssenceOfLace

    Very good
    although for this line
    "Its just like I'm sat staring;"
    to me it would sound better as
    "I'm just sitting here, staring;"

    just my thoughts.

  • 17 years ago

    by Blissful

    Everyone has come to a time in there life were they were faced with doors but fear did not let them know which one was the best one for them to open. I think you did a great job described the uncertainty and doubt one feels in this postition. Well done *5/5*

  • 17 years ago

    by cowgirlstar26

    I wanted to go a certain way;

    I don't need to be this way!

    I think you should change on of the endings so they both don't end in "way" otherwise I liked it :)