Mexican pride

by xXxLiSETHxXx   Nov 6, 2007

MeXiCaN PrIdE iS mAh MiNd
MeXiCaN bLoOd Is MaH kInD
sO sTeP aSiDe AnD lEt Me ThRoUgH
cUz ItS aLl AbOuT tHa MeXiCaN cReW LiFeS a B!T(h AnD ThEN u DiE bUt If U MeXiCaN u DiE wItH PrIdE !.!.!


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  • 16 years ago

    by selosita

    This poem is sick and every mexican has to be proud of their race cause mexicans are crazy and its brown pride=]

  • 17 years ago

    by KrAzY iN LuV

    True, its all bout that krazy mexican raza huh homie???

  • 17 years ago

    by toto

    Lol h3llz yea you got to have pride