Comments : Now You're Gone (Lento)

  • 17 years ago

    by Cindy

    What a wonderful job you did on this poetry form. I know the sadness that comes from your heart in this piece you have penned. I share this with you.

    Snow upon thy tender bloom
    Go quietly to thy rest
    Know sweet lullabies unsung
    Grow still within my breast

    This broke my heart. So many memories. Sleep tight Little One May the Angels watch over you.
    Aunt Cindy Loves you :(

  • 17 years ago

    by Elapsed

    Deb.. a powerful piece of writing you have here, every line speaks of the sadness you hold in your heart.. simply beautiful.. Grats Dear!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by NyellMoonlight

    Wow... this poem is short yet so deep and touching. You expressed feelings excellently in just two stanzas, which is amazing. I love this piece, and I can deeply relate to it.

  • 17 years ago

    by Ingrid

    Know sweet lullabies unsung
    grow still within my breast

    Beautiful lines, so touching.....
    As a mother I have a feeling what you must have gone through...

    Take care, dear

    5/5 Ingrid

  • 17 years ago

    by Sherry Lynn

    Wow Debbylyn,

    This piece is so heartbreaking yet quilled so beautifully. As a mother it breaks my heart to even think about what it would feel like losing a child, especially an infant.

    You have taken such a sorrowful situation and wrote about it with elogance and triumph. You have truely shown merciful grace here.

    To top it off you penned it out with a challenging scheme. Keeping the style, flow, stanza's, pattern and grabbing the reader all at once with what one would percieve as ease.

    You truly have a nact for different poetry styles and the way you have embraced this one is truly amazing.

    I hate to say that this is a beautiful poem due to the content; however, it is amazing and bittersweet.


  • 17 years ago

    by Gasttlee

    This is really sad, but you did an excellent job in creating it. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    You did an excellent job on this form. Powerful and deeply saddening. Your flow great, word choice creative. An impeccable and heartfelt piece of art.

  • 17 years ago

    by Pete

    First off, I'd like to offer my condolences. This poem must have been extremely difficult to write. I presume it is about a lost child, If the presumtion is wrong I apologise.

    Even with such a difficult topic, you did a marvellous job completing such a resoundingly beautiful poem. This really tugs on the heart-strings.
    I must admit though, I feel rather bad after reading this, this is a very personal piece for you. It's a brave thing writing it, an even braver thing to share it.

    My thoughts are with you.

  • 16 years ago

    by Lonely Rider

    Beautifully written...

    "Snow upon thy tender bloom
    Go quietly to thy rest
    Know sweet lullabies unsung
    Grow still within my breast"

    ^^ loved this stanza...
    so much beauty you have created with the words... very hearfelt...

    "know sweet lullabies unsung"
    ^^ very touching and emotional..

    excellent poem...

  • 16 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy


    I am in awe of your work and have been reading some of your poems and your work is incredibly good. I have much to learn.

    I would like to comment on this one, if I may?

    1st Stanza
    An appropriate metaphor here: snow on a tender bloom. The icy cold of snow causes a silent suffocation of life. There is no reason for this, just natures call, or maybe heavens? Then the reference to un-sung lullabies brings immediate images of sadness and of incredible loss, not just of the infant, but also for the loss of what that adult that person would have become.

    2nd Stanza
    Another two superb metaphors: Parchment, suggest dryness to me, add this to the next one a gale eroding any life that may have clung to the already dry ground.
    The last two lines, the gardener and the pail reference. I see the gardener as the father, his grief along with the mother, both crying their tears of lost hope together.

    Very well done, to be able to express yourself as eloquently as this is a skill, but to do this with such a strict form is magical.

    Take care


  • 8 years ago

    by Em


    This has just touched my heart like nothing before. My eyes are raw from the tears and. Have Goosebumps. It's beautiful yet sad and full of the utmost real emotion I have ever seen in a piece before now

    Snow upon thy tender bloom
    Go quietly to thy rest
    Know sweet lullabies unsung
    Grow still within my breast
    This stanza is so serene and written well the metaphor of snow resting on flowers like your baby resting with god and the lullabies that you cannot sing because of the unforseen circumstances ust have been hard to write at the time but you did it perfectly. The visuals so creative.

    Bare the ground as parchment
    Wears dry upon the gale
    Care the thoughtful gardener
    Shares tears within the pail
    Such beauty in what you write here. I feel that you are talking of the tears you have cried and how possibly the parchment is to hold your baby close.
    A lovely write and dedication.

    Take care, Em