This is the game of love

by Gizmo   Nov 7, 2007

Tonight i throw down the cards,
spread out upon the table,
this is the game of love,
i was never very good at it.

I'll bluff my way throughout it,
every things to gamble right now,
but i will not show it in my face,
that the thought of losing it all
terrifies me.

& its the final round, one last chance,
and your gone as well as the game,
I'll just sit here at the table,
i lost it all in one split second


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  • 16 years ago

    by XxToWriteLoveOnHerWristxX

    I like how you capture the true effects of poker and combine it with those of love. you win and you lose, in this case the character lost. beautifully written. 5/5 !props!

  • 16 years ago

    by BlueEyedMystery

    Comparing love to a game is quite a big cliche. Maybe you could try something else to compare it to. Be unique. Everyone likes unique-ness. :]

    I think you need to capitalize all your i's. It'll make the poem more neat and tidy.

    So I think this is about a girl who always "gambles" with her love life, and ends up making a mistake [probably a big one] and "loses it all". She loses the one she loves. It's pretty easy to understand [or so I think so. It may be about something totally different]. Very relatable. Try adding some more emotions though. More imagrey. Tell a story of how you lost a "game" or something. Just some suggestions. :]

    Great job.

    Keep writing!

  • 16 years ago

    by ECILA ice

    You created your own unique way of revealing your idea about love which happened to be true at times.. i love the thoughts that you used, the ambaince and the metaphors.. although the sad emotion is still there, i don't know but for me the feeling isn't that powerful

  • 17 years ago

    by A F

    Game of love :(
    Yeah, I always lose.

    This one's good.
    Nice hun (:


  • 17 years ago

    by Gizmo

    Your welcome :]