Lethal Love!

by James Weatherbee   Nov 7, 2007

Memory's flash by like slides;
as the knife glides;
along my throat;
in my hand, the suicide note;
my blood starts to run;
its starting to be fun;
seeing the rivers of red;
soon I will be good and dead;
read the note to you;
it still says I Love You True;
Happiness is just the projection;
of Loves lethal injection!

This poem is sorta about death too but its about how I lost my ex and this it how it makes me feel, so rather then doing it I will write it here!


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  • 14 years ago

    by SheenaMarie

    Great write 5/5

  • Wow... okay this has to be my favorite one of your poems..... i really like it and i know what your feeling, been there....

  • 16 years ago

    by My Touch You Love

    Nice poem

  • 17 years ago

    by ChAsInG PavEmEnTs

    That grl doesn't kno how lucky she was to have you!
    this poem is amazing!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by nering

    I am so glad to kno that you didnt do it! I have to say I am glad you over came it, I can relate b-c i thought I was better off gone when me and my ex split-(sometimes I still feel that way) but hey im glad im still here! Great poem, i love the relations in it! Keep writing and smiling

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