by neo Nov 7, 2007
category :
Life, society /
I have mastered the art of avoiding conversation's, situation's, and relationship's. but every so often i feel like i get caught up. as fast as one may say they are my friend, they will quickly stab me in the back. so, i chose to back off from the world, and create my own comfort zone. this is the place where no-one can get to me. here it is calm and worry free. i built these walls. they are tall and so strong. able to withstand any penetration. there is a door though. sometimes i may forget to lock it, and someone gets in. nothing is perfect. so the aftermath of another entering these walls is always horrible. i feel betrayed and all in all just plain stupid. now the door is locked tight. so i sit within these walls, and tell myself that i did make a huge mistake, and from my actions comes new knowledge. i do enjoy going out and meeting new people but i know that as evil as i can be, there are other's out there who can and will destroy me in one form or another. as with any other major storm, i have some cleaning up to do. i realize that i allowed this situation to become, now i must clear my mind, breathe, relax..don't fret. and remember to keep my door locked |