The Key to My Heart (revised version)

by JustKristina   Nov 7, 2007

The day I met you..
I knew that there was something I felt
You just had that certain 'thing' about you
Just looking at you made my heart melt

I would look forward to your calls
I just wanted to hear your voice
Out of all the girls that you could pick from
You picked me as your top choice.

Over the months,
I have gotten to know you well,
Your ups and downs
And your heavens and hells

I would find myself more and more
Just longing to see your smiles
But you were too far away for that
There were just too many miles

I missed the way I fit into your hug
I missed seeing that sparkle in your eye
Often at times, I would sit on my bed
Just thinking about you, and wanting to cry.

I've tried to be strong and brave
But I have so much that I am afraid of
I am afraid that you wont accept me
And I am afraid of losing your love.

I love you so much,
And I hope that you can see
That I want it to just be the two of us
I want you to give your love to me

At times I wanted to end things between us
Because I didn't want to see you sad
Just the thought of losing you,
Was enough to make me go mad

I knew that I can never lose you
Because I love you way to much
I just want to look in your eyes
And feel your gentle touch

More months have past,
And my love for you is still strong
I want you to know that through all this
I have loved you all along

Sometimes though, I find myself crying
When your name pops in my head
I will lay down for hours
And cry tears on my bed

I miss you so much
More than words can say
I am hoping though that I will see you
Soon on some glorious day.

I have never felt like this before
I know there is love in my heart
I don't know what I would do
If we ever had to part

I know that if it is meant to be,
Than we will find a way
But even if we don't
In my heart, forever, you will stay

I want this to work out
And I want it to be you and me
But my heart isn't just given
You have to fine the key

You have been so sweet to me
Over the time I have known you
You've always been here for me
without you, I don't know what I would do

I want to be with you
And make things right
I want to be able to hold your hand
And have you hold me tight

Not many couples make it this far
So I believe that this is how it is supposed to be
We just have to work our hardest
At being we, us, you and me

I want to find my happily ever after
And I want you to be a part of that too
I want to be together forever
Because of how much I love you

I am trusting you to love me
As much as I love you
I am giving you the key to my heart,
Can I have yours too?


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  • 17 years ago

    by Kittens Poems

    Every single one of your poems is awesome. Thanks for sharing yourself. Your very enjoyable

  • 17 years ago

    by FridusBlueheaven

    Very beautiful poem. The title drew me to read this one. The last stanza was too damn perfect. What else can I say. It's 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by damont

    Wow this is long but good. very detailed and not missing a beat. i liked this alot. you expressed your love in a unique way and things that is very interesting. well wonderful poem keep writing

  • 17 years ago

    by Just That Girl

    That is the cutest poem i have ever read, seriously it makes me think of the guy that i love too, and distance has kept us apart.. and it's exactly how i feel, i can really relate to this poem ..
    i loved your choice of words and how you would rhyme the first and the third line of each stanza..
    take care x

  • 17 years ago

    by Fsams

    True Poets always use their poetic licence when necessary. YOU have the ability to blend words poetically. LOVE YOUR POEM. it is filled with love. tc

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