Body Painting

by Ashley   Nov 7, 2007

She cries silent tears as the artist prepares to create another painting
The body is the canvas
The blade is the brush
Blood is the paint, the coloring
Silver strokes from the brush
Allow red paint to seep from the canvas
Creating a sadly beautiful portrait
Of pain and despair
As the paint pours down the canvas
With hues of tan, red, and silver
So do the feelings of the artist
Immense feelings of hurt, unacceptance, and betrayal
It is the gateway for the artist to accept her fate
No one will ever appreciate her work, however
She hides her masterpieces under gloves and sleeves
Hoping no one will acknowledge her talent for the blade
Though she tries
She cannot escape her paintings
It is the only way out from the tears she cries
With her body as the canvas

Please tell me what you think~


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  • 16 years ago

    by Isabelle

    This poem uses a lot of really good metaphors. I really like the imagining in it and how even though it's about cutting, it's not all, oh look how sad my life is during the whole poem. It's like a beautiful sadness in a way.

    Keep it up!

  • 17 years ago

    by Alexandra Jade Brewer

    Well done, this was a really descriptive poem. I liked your choice of words, and the imagery was amazing! I think some of the longer lines could have been broken up a bit more so the flow was smoother but other than that you got your point across really well!

  • 17 years ago

    by she

    Wow,gave me strong images! the way you explained the act of self-harm,was really unique and great

  • 17 years ago

    by she

    Wow,gave me strong images! the way you explained the act of self-harm,was really unique and great

  • 17 years ago

    by Sumit Ojha

    Good poetry... Hey! you are nice poet... :)
    Keep up this good work :D