
by Victor   Nov 8, 2007

They speak with words appealing,
twist the mind to be blind from seeing.

Words, just words can blow a whole in the world,
unstable, our thoughts are a blur as we are fooled.

Grip the present, cover ears,
what they want is for all to hear.

Break the code an know of all,
what they plan of what will fall.

Don't read their words of what tells right,
underneath it all they create the fight.

Unknown of honor, built to breed,
their message plants a seed.
Of once prophecy told,
the world will soon unfold.

The end is near, yet words can blind us,
hidden truth their actions will bite us.
And prophecy told will all come true,
as once foretold the sky will never again be blue.

One to hate and words to fear,
greed is lost the actions clear.

Words compelling to twist the sight,
To break the spell to end the light.

To not see is of greatest mind,
all revealed we will soon find.

In the blank all is clear,
the men who lie will then soon fear.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Em

    Great poem.