For the People Who Cared

by Indian Comma Bean   Nov 8, 2007

This is for the poets
who helped me through the times,
where kind words were many,
and blessings rung like chimes.

I was ever so depressed,
my mind so, obsessed,
only with what seemed so right,
when my hands clenched steel demons tight.

I thought I needed pain,
when my soul felt so numb,
eyes focused on the beating vein,
beating, beating like a violet drum.

But the poetry I penned,
drew about the eyes of few,
the few that seemed to want to mend,
they told me I should see things through.

Years later I write this poem,
Seeing that the few have gone,
So I thank these friends with simple words,
Telling them that I no longer think of harsh black birds.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Silent Screams

    That was very well written. It truly was. I can relate to this alot, though I'm not out of the pain (who ever is?) I know that I can pull through sometimes and others I can't. It depends.

    "I thought I needed pain,
    when my soul felt so numb,"

    My Favorite Lines Hun. Honestly. ^^ I'm mad i didn't get to actually read this before.

    With Much Love,

  • 17 years ago

    by Stephanie

    That was amazing. :) Truly fantastic.

    "I thought I needed pain,
    when my soul felt so numb,
    eyes focused on the beating vein,
    beating, beating like a violet drum."
    ^ Love love love those lines. :P
    Overall: 5.5 Great job.

    -- Stephanie <3

  • 17 years ago

    by Stephanie

    This is a really good combo of a reflexive poem and a, well i forget what it's called but one that looks back at a period of time. i really like it. good job.

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