Comments : For the People Who Cared

  • 17 years ago

    by Stephanie

    This is a really good combo of a reflexive poem and a, well i forget what it's called but one that looks back at a period of time. i really like it. good job.

  • 17 years ago

    by Stephanie

    That was amazing. :) Truly fantastic.

    "I thought I needed pain,
    when my soul felt so numb,
    eyes focused on the beating vein,
    beating, beating like a violet drum."
    ^ Love love love those lines. :P
    Overall: 5.5 Great job.

    -- Stephanie <3

  • 17 years ago

    by Silent Screams

    That was very well written. It truly was. I can relate to this alot, though I'm not out of the pain (who ever is?) I know that I can pull through sometimes and others I can't. It depends.

    "I thought I needed pain,
    when my soul felt so numb,"

    My Favorite Lines Hun. Honestly. ^^ I'm mad i didn't get to actually read this before.

    With Much Love,