
by Ktbbz   Nov 10, 2007

Your vision is blurred.
It's never been perfect but now
everything swims before you
like you're on some crazy drug.

You're trying to look at something,
something in the distance,
but you're eyes wont catch it, will they?
You just stare, dazed, in its general direction.

Your body feels carefree and relaxed
doesn't it my love?
Whilst you walk on, feeling high,
holding hands with your gorgeous one.

This isn't you really;
the quiet, staring, crazy one.
I know this because it is me.
And I've squashed you down inside yourself.

You want to be alone my love?
But when nobodies there you want to cry.
You feel vulnerable,
and want to sink back into an old addiction.

But you shout at yourself inside your head;
"Don't do it, you can't, you'll let everyone down."
I hear you.
And I laugh because you're arguing with yourself.

You're sick of people in general, yes?
They cause problems and make you feel shit.
Who needs them? I tell you.
Sometimes you listen, most of the time you get angry.

Change is good for you, you see?
Change on the inside and the outside.
Sometimes you notice it, sometimes you don't, my love.
But the biggest change is inside you, with me.

The bad things are tempting you, aren't they my dear?
That's my doing, and I'm proud of you.
I'd give you a pat on the back
if I didn't have to use your arms.

You walk around the shops and I walk with you,
breathing down your neck so to speak.
Excited about all the things you don't have yet?
I am, and I whisper to you over and over; go on, take it.'

But you're strong on this one,
you ignore me and turn you back.
But my love, I can hear you.
Inside your head; It would be so easy...'

I smile to ourself, I'll get you one day.
One day whilst your vision is blurred and you'll do as I say.
That's when I'll get you, just wait.
And think, my love, once you start, you'll never stop.

I listen to your thoughts my dear.
All day, everyday, trying to learn about you.
Find your weaknesses and squash them down.
You think about food a lot of the time.

You're obsessing girlie, but differently to that fat kid in your class.
You love it, you crave only the taste. But you won't touch it if I wont let you.
I like this about you.
Its showing that you don't need anything.

Would it be dangerous to encourage you in this?
Would it spiral out of control?
I don't want that, I care for you, so much so.
But I'm keeping some of you here, I promise you that.

Although you can't think for yourself anymore,
Although you don't know what's going on with you anymore,
Although you don't know who you are anymore,
I'll be here for you, my love.

And I'm never letting go.


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