Tears of blood

by santino   Nov 10, 2007

Tears of blood you cry...
tears of blood that wont die...
they wont go by
as you think, more you cry...
trapped in a room..
and with dull light...
shy with red eyes....
blood running....
running through your veins...
and dropping down your cheek
in a dark room
the only thing you see...
is a little girl....
and red on her cheek...
girl crying
sitting in an old chair...
head down...
grey dress.....
arm's suppressed
and mind depressed
you see her next to the window.....
like a plant looking for light....
shes mad at life....
poor little girl....
with no faith...
just enclosed in a room
with one door.....
and the key to that door is
she cant find any courage...
but what she has here is just fear..
of going outside...
and seeing the new world....
not knowing if the world is going cruel..
or if going benevolent
she doesn't want to fight....
just cry...
cry tears of blood....
waiting to die.....
she wipes her tears....
but she still wont fight....
fight her life and try not to die...
shes looking for light..
but she looking for it with no fire...
and with no spark....
shes enclosed in that room...
red tears full of hate...
and everything with relate...
in no time she may explode.....
explode and scream....
with faith...
of getting out one day....
of her cruel faith.....
tears turning to rocks....
to throw at the door...
to get out one day.....
of what she thought was a door......


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by Faithless Watermelon

    Excellent, but rhymes and maybe a little more rhythm could help it. i did absolutely love it though

  • 17 years ago

    by XxBrokenInsidexX

    I really like this poem out of the ones Ive read..
    I think I seem kinda attached to this one because this is kinda how I feel inside..trapped...and alone with fear. Im that little girl (Im more like a teen lol)
    The emotion was really strong && I really enjoyed it!

  • 17 years ago

    by Laura

    This is very well written! The flow felt interrupted at times but i thinkit was becuase the differetn syllable counts sometimes used.
    Ovwerall it was a great and enjoyable read!

    For the first two lines:
    Tears of blood you cry...
    tears of blood that wont die...

    maybe remove the word 'that'

    Also because of the length i think if you broke in down into verses it may be a lil easier to read. It was jammed packed with emotion that really grips the reader.

    Your unique style is refreshing!

  • 17 years ago

    by A Fallen Angel

    So I like the way you wrote this poem. you write with your own style and it flows very well. I dont think you should put into stanzas... too many do that... inlcuding myself... and i think that if you tried to do that iwth this poem i wouldnt get the chills i did when i read it for the first time. i loved this poem. as i have mentioned before you are a very mature writer.


  • 17 years ago

    by Hey Brittknee

    The poem itself was amazing and full of emotion but some of the wording was a little off, and it might be better to put into stanzas because the lines dont flow together as great but would fit amazingly into stanzas
