I loved you and you loved me
but we were to young to see
that this game of you and me
was more heartbreaking then it seemed.
we played the game of love and it was fun,
you held my hand and we smiled for our friends.
the days flew by and the nights dragged on,
every i love you always replaying in my head.
the days went by and turned to weeks
the weeks turned to months and every
i love you became a lie. lost deep in our
hearts and in our minds.
we finally got the courage to move on
it broke our hearts but mended our minds.
i had to say goodbye i had to let go
and now im saying bye to you joey.
as i look back through the weeks and wondered
if i lied, i did. i lied because now i know that deep
down inside. i love you but now there is just a hole
where my heart once beat.