Lingering Uncertainty

by Jemma   Nov 12, 2007

Sometimes I sense my waking moments as they chase me in my dreams
Perpetual motion in a thousand midnight scenes
I feel your breath ghost over my lips and breathe deeply in despair
For no matter how I long for this I must never find it there

The only thing between us is our morals and our minds
Such powerful emotion that we hope fear can somehow hide
For we lie in sweet temptation but the future's not so true
Should I lie basking in emotions and stolen memories of you

Find within me strength to know me and yet to let me ride alone
Through the nights of dark salvation that I must find on my own
The streets that echo endless stories as I tear through pages old
But tell me, where's our story? Where's our book I yearn to hold?

Believe me; how I wish that our circumstances let us go
But trust me; it is not prudent to let the whole world know
How our true love, inescapable, rules us well, from deep within
But how our minds in futile deference refuse to let those shadows in


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  • 16 years ago

    by dora

    Heyy touching poem, i luv the words u used to explain urself. very well written keep it up!! 5/5 xx