A Different Shade of Gray

by Stephanie   Nov 13, 2007

The moment slips through my fingers; Lightly caressing my fingertips,
Taunting me so carelessly - Like those words slurring past your chapped lips.
You're the reason my world has stopped spinning [Speaking figuratively of course],
With your hands around my neck, I delve into your dark eyes and see no remorse.


Baby, you're an old childhood nemesis who stood out above all of the rest,
Teasing, pushing - Laughing at me as I poorly struggled in passing your test.
A sacred, hollow domain now stolen, thrown out like last week's old trash -
A scorching fire that was quickly put out; You left me here in a puddle of cold ash.


Did you see the gorgeous bruises left upon my pale, fragile skin that night?
Or did you overlook that mess you made? Pretend it simply wasn't in your sight?
As I choked out the screams, why didn't you dare look me dead in the eye?
Were you afraid you would see yourself... that a look would reveal all your little lies?


As I stand here tonight; My footprints leave a hole in this mess you made,
And I see myself in a new, lonely light; I'm a color of gray. [In a different shade]
Though, I say that the hope of a new life kept my world how it seems to appear,
Right side-up; And the past memories are overdrawn with the happiness I hold dear.


November 12, 2007
-- Stephanie Lynn .+.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Lizaveta

    And the title catches attention&fits the poem so well

  • 17 years ago

    by Lizaveta

    Omg this poem is just unique! i like it how you make your style of writing so different. the structure catches attention, and these short words separating stanzas emphasise emotions which flow through the poem!
    5/5 and i put it in my fav's

  • 17 years ago

    by pookiengurgi

    I like the way you set up the paragraphs, it was an excellent write and everybody's comment was so true...shocking poem.

  • 17 years ago

    by Lemma

    Wow, the first thing that struck me about this poem was the title (which is obviously what made me read it in the first place!) It's a really clever idea and you've managed to effortlessly weave it into the poem itself. Great flow, an interesting sturcture that works really well. Some great rhyme there too.


    Em xXx

  • 17 years ago

    by jLegendc

    Omg! i hav never read something like this.. everything is unique.. the structure and the way you expressed your emotions into words were just out of the ordinary! kudos to you! this is really awesome! =]