Out of the Box

by Brittney Follett   Nov 14, 2007

It's always better to be "out of the box."
Even if I am outside, standing in the rain.
Why do I want to be like everyone else?
Why should I attempt to be the same?

Outside of the Box, I'm unique from all others
Soaked to the bone, dancing as it falls out of the sky.
I'm happier than anyone inside that square prison.
I won't stay in the box, I'm not letting my life go by.

-Inspired by my own poem: The White Dot-

which is the opposite of this poem ;)

Copyright Brittney Follett


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  • 13 years ago

    by Mello193

    This too was awesome. the way it feels to be unique is amazing. its always better to be your own person and being loved for who you are instead of who you are not like everyone else. wonderful

  • 17 years ago

    by Karl Wild GG23

    I think it's nice to have a little bit of both, to be unique and different, but to also be the same as some people in certain ways. Like living in a house, your always inside, but the door is only a few steps away. 5/5 great job GG23

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