Why? <3

by Christina   Nov 14, 2007

Why do guys play me over and over like im a game? why do they think its okay to tell me they like me and they want to be with me, then go off with another girl. i guess its easy to play me, to break whats left of my heart, but still. why do they think its okay? i mean there is only so much i can take. all these thoughts stuck inside me need to be told. why cant i just tell them how i feel and ask them why they did it. well, because they wouldnt care. all they would say is, "what ever." and thats was bothers me the most is that they dont care. they dont care that they are playing me like a game and that they are winning. no, all they care about is themselves. and thats what makes me mad. i just wish i could find a guy that truely loved me and would forever!


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  • 17 years ago

    by Not

    Yes i love this poem,i can't stand it when boys who are too damn cocky and they think they can treat any one any way that they want too...lozers.but its ok the boys that hurt you karma always going to come back and its going to funny!!!...great poem!!......=)

  • 17 years ago

    by Sweet lig

    Ohh why! why seems so sad piece.. i love the way how u question all these..nice flow of the emotion i can relate as well 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by RobinAnn13

    This is almost too much a story to be a poem but I agree with you. It's very true about most guys. I loved how you said they were winning too! I enjoyed reading it and it's nice to know that I'm not the only one to notice. <3