
by A Victim of Fate   Nov 14, 2007

There is a pain deep inside.
Reminds me of how many times they lied.

The constant screams that echo through my head.
Tear at my soul till I scream and wish I were dead.

Something's pulling my hair and making me cry.
Voices tell me I should but I refuse to die.

Anger, sorrow, heart ache... All sorts of pain.
Swirl in my body and stay like a set in stain.

Nobody can hear me screaming a little or at all.
I feel like I'm at the edge of a cliff- I'm ready to fall.

My hands lash out for something safe to cling to.
When I think all hope is lost I look up and see you.

You beautiful face starring down at me.
I rapidly blink confused- Is it you I really see?

My heart is racing as you pull me up and hug me to you tight.
Every emotion filling me and I'm even filling fright.

I don't know what to think or even know what to say.
How can I really know you won't leave me someday?

The voices come back to me and I smile up at you.
I whisper the words "I love you." then you say "I don't love you."

You face fades to a face of fog then vanishes completely.
I knew it would happen all along but you really did fool me.

Falling to my knees I close my eyes a sob allowing me to cry.
As my eyes open I see you with her- all I whisper is "Why..."


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  • 16 years ago

    by A Victim of Fate

    Thank You Men

  • 16 years ago

    by Men

    This one was beautiful. You chose your words very well. I had to say the emotion in it was so strong that I had to blink away a tear. Good Job!!! 5/5