Channel Surfing

by Jayleen   Nov 15, 2007

There are thousands of different
path ways in the palm
of your hand. All you do is click
that tiny button, and your off on
an electrifying journey.

It whips you up and down; from
side to side like a roller coaster.
The shocking power of this tiny
little figure. For some, it is so
precious it will never leave their
fingers. For others, they could
care less if it is gone. Every
channel is connected.

One to nearly a million different
choices we have. Soap operas,
cartoons, movies, and more.
Drama, actions, romance galore.
The choices are endless. All we
have to do it turn the rudder of
this ship down the vast ocean.

We flow with the current of time.
Each wave of energy is like a
speed bump on a street that we
must go over without hesitation
or the will to stop.

This is an ode to one so dear. The
greatest thing you'll ever have. It
is not tiny or hand held. Rich or
poor you still have one, but
everyones is different. For better or
worse your stuck with it. This non-
recyclable item. The powerful surge
of the ultimate technology that
the world has to offer you. This
is not your phone, computer, or
television. Not even a car, light,
or a space station. Think much
bigger. For this is a shocker;
this ocean of choices; the shore
of success is nothing more than


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  • 17 years ago

    by Nobodys Hero

    Great job this poem is very well written
    I enjoyed reading it

  • 17 years ago

    by The Queen

    Yeah you are right in your poem....its like one of my quotes..~~~the heights you can reach, you only can decide, you are your own boss..well written..5/5