The Pain of Losing You

by SH3S fiNAllY H3R3 l0V3 U N3NA   Nov 15, 2007

The pain of losing you
Is killing me deep inside
I know it will never happen
But the suspense just kills me

When you come home late at night
I feel like you're seeing someone else
I know it's all in my head
Because I know you'll never hurt me like that

I don't question you about the rumors
Because I know they're made up off the haters
But whenever I think about them
I feel like dying inside

I spend the days thinking about you
And wondering how you're doing
I pick up the telephone to call you
But I put it down in fear that you'll be mad

What I'm trying to say
Is that I'm scared of losing you
And if that does happen
I swear that I'll die without you



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  • 17 years ago

    by L0V3 Mi fAMilY


  • 17 years ago

    by Marc Ortiz

    Well this is my favorite out of the four :) Don't really believe in rumors... Just believe in the person you love. Trust me.. Coz that happened to me before... And I was really wrong to believe in other people... and in the end.. the person I love left me..

    Anyway keep writing. TC

  • 17 years ago

    by Hermosa

    There are always some fears in relationships the only thing you can do is trust that your sweetheart is doing the right thing and that he loves you as much as I can tell you love him! Good job 5/5 for me!

  • 17 years ago

    by Crystal Gaze

    I can realte to this peice.
    Sometimes the fear hurts more than if it actually happens.Cause the pain would just be to much to bear eventually your would go numb..
    But with the fear, it's consuming. Especially if your affraid of loosing the one that completes you.

    This peice is amazing, you put into words what I could not.
    Absolutly wonderful.

  • 17 years ago

    by Ashley

    I really like this poem because i feel like i can relate to you and most girls can too great work 5/5