
by Ashley   Nov 16, 2007

I'm no stranger to pain
But this I cannot take
My heart was slain
It didn't just break

I can take all the punches in the world
But I cannot cope with this
Not being your girl
Hits me harder than any fist

The worst kind of ache
Is one of the heart
I don't know if I'll be able to take
Us being apart

This pain is so bad
I want it to end
How can I go from the best love I ever had
To simply being your friend?

I lay awake at night
Visions of us together float through my mind
This isnt right
How will I ever find someone of the same kind?

This pain is so intense
I really want to cry
This love was so immense
I cant let it pass me by

I'm no stranger to pain
But I'm not prepared for this
I've been through everything
But this pain is worse than any fist.

Please come back..


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  • 17 years ago

    by Alexandra Jade Brewer

    Good Job, you got your idea across, but I found the flow to be very jumpy. The ending was well done, because of the repetition.. you make your point strong in doing so. Try to work on flow a bit and you will have a beautiful piece.

  • 17 years ago

    by Abu3li

    Wow it flows

    so sad

  • 17 years ago

    by Marc Ortiz

    I like the repetition in the end :) Anyway It was a good poem, though the flow is kinda choppy in some lines. I have a suggestion to improve this piece. Try to use some punctuations like.. in the first line add some (...) so it forces the reader to wonder what your pain is..

  • 17 years ago

    by Hidden1

    OMG.... I feel this in my heart, I mean down to the core. That one bought tears to my eyes for real. This thing called love hurts so bad. The metaphors work well in the poem. Well done and I thing you should get some of your work published along with your quotes.

  • 17 years ago

    by Shinobi

    This poem was strong. The emotions were some I could relate to as I know that a heart ache is the worst pain. The rhyming, structure and flow were great. Well done 5/5