by DeViN sCoTt   Nov 16, 2007

I’m walking home from school,
Feeling exactly like a fool .
Walking in the rain ,
As my soul aches and pains.
The rain falls on my skin,
My life is full of tragedies, not sins.
My life really sucks ,
Or I’ve got really bad luck.
Even if I cry,
I would never try,
Crying in rain
Not a loss or a gain.
After so many tries,
I still cry.

I need to stop,
But I still fall and drop.
Deep inside,
My mind has lied.
With peace of mind,
Of being one of a kind,
The clouds hang over my head,
Every step I dread,
I close my eyes
And continue to believe your lies.


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  • 17 years ago

    by JAZMIN

    Stay up! Great poem!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by sandy

    Awww hunny stay strong. i love the movie greece hahaha thx for ur comment

  • 17 years ago

    by Shadow

    Good poem i like it!!