Bleeding Love

by xXMohawkedMahemXx   Nov 16, 2007

Closed off from love
My heart lives in sorrow
Longing for love
Maybe another tomorrow

I long for your love
But you're already taken
We held hands once
But maybe im mistaken

I know you love her
But she's so far away
I wish you were with me
Everynight and everyday

I hope it wont last
But im selfish you see
Ive been hurt so many times
Always stuck in between

You ask to spend time
A little more together
I always say maybe
But really I want forever

Forever with you
Well us two together
Laughing and kissing
Dance in every weather

I ask for so much
But really im blind
I cant believe all this
Will only ever be in my mind


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  • 17 years ago

    by Cheyanne

    Awww this poem's so sad:(...i love the emotion you put in to writing this.....i also love the fact that your unique when using don;t use the same clique as everyone else....well neways another beautifully written poem...definetly a 5/5:)

  • 17 years ago

    by BlEeDiNg FoR tHe OnE i LoVe

    I f-ing love this completely describes the way i feel about this guy....that even though im young want to spend the rest of my life with but i know it will never happen

  • 17 years ago

    by Liz

    Awww this was sad!!! But beautiful. I friggin' loved it! I've felt this way....a lot. Great write! Thanks for sharing thissss. =]]]

    ` Liz =]