It's Inside Me and I Can't Stop It

by Raychil   Nov 16, 2007

My heart is beating faster
I'm breaking down inside
And I don't know how much more
My smile will still hide

I feel it slowly cracking
The happiness chips away
It won't be much longer
That I will have a say

I start crying during school
But I have to hold it back
I have to say I'm happy
And keep up my act

But how long can you pretend
To feel something you don't?
You can try your best to feel it
But the truth is that you won't

I thought I could control it
I thought I'd make it go
I though I could fix it
If I never let it show

I can no longer hold it back
The pain and all the tears
From all the massive piling
That's been building up for years

So now what do I do?
Now how will I hide?
From something I can't escape
Because it dwells inside...


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