My one true love

by mariaa   Nov 17, 2007

When i first met you i knew you were the one.
from your eyes to your beautiful heart.
from your face to your legs, i knew you were the one.
you are the "ANGEL" that God sent me for the rest of my days the good ones and the bad ones too.
you mean the world to me.
my heart, my soul, my whole entire life.
you and me are meant to be.
when I'm with you i am whole.
but without you i feel like a song with out lyrics, a book without words, the world without light.
ill feel empty && cold without you.
ill practically die without you.
i think that my life with you is complete.
i could see the world clearer with you by my side.
without you my life would just be plain boring.
with your funny jokes, warm hugs, passionate kisses, and caring words, you made me fall in love.
you are my one and only true LOVE.


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  • 17 years ago

    by kasia nicole

    Aww i really liked that poem a lot. you have good talent i would give it a 5/5