This horrible feeling..Its called PAIN

by iloveyouandrew   Nov 18, 2007

Im not right
Im not well
Im not me anymore

I cant feel anything anymore
I have this feeling in my chest
That just wont go away

You were always the one
That made me forgot my pain
That made me happy
That made me feel good

Now Your the one making my pain
Now your the one making me sad
Now your the one giving me this feeling

I cant breathe
I cant Smile
I cant be me anymore

I wish i could just feel
someting other than this feeling
I have 24/7

But I guess I will always have this feeling
Inside of me
Eating away at me
Killing me

I wish i could be in your arms
Be the one you call yours
I miss being yours
I miss feeling your arms around me
And your lips on mine

But As long as your happy
And as long as your with someone who loves you
And As long as your here

You will always have my heart
And no one could love you as much as I do


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  • 17 years ago

    by Teria

    I actually liked this one quite well. As I have all the rest, but this one seeems to stick out a bit more to me though. But, maybe a few tweaks with the grammical stuff and such.

  • 17 years ago

    by Christina

    I can totally relate to this poem...again its very well written....u dont need to be insecure especially cuz how u rite so well....i will nvr be as good as u!

  • 17 years ago

    by Christina

    I can totally relate to this poem...again its very well written....u dont need to be insecure especially cuz how u rite so well....i will nvr be as good as u!

  • 17 years ago

    by Tiiffaanyy

    Hey thanks for the comment and the rate i really like this poem and i feel as if i can relate to it. Awesome job!!:)

  • 17 years ago

    by Finalgravedigger

    I can relate to your poems sadness, I felt like as if i could have written the same thing very nice 5/5 maybe u can read one of mine.