
by Tiiffaanyy   Nov 18, 2007

If only you knew all the pain you put me through
and how much i cried over you
If only you knew how much you meant to me
and how much it hurt me cause i knew you couldn't see
I remember just like yesterday
when every minute of everyday i wanted you to be mine
But it's all your fault because you never took the time
Did you expect me to wait forever?
Sorry to tell you but your not very clever
I figured out your game
and to tell you the truth it gets pretty lame
You made me feel things no one could
till 6 am it felt so good
but now i have to say goodbye
our expectations were to high
But this time i know i won't hurt
cause the memories are nothing but dirt
I crossed your name out on every heart
and baby i never thought you'd be the one to tear apart
But nothing is ever what it seems to be
and if it seems like it may be it's probably just a dream
and i was living a dream a dream that couldn't come true
and i don't care if one day you were to tell me that you loved me too
all I'll say is what you said to me
" Move on cause you and I we aren't meant to be"
It's called karma baby
what goes around comes around


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  • 17 years ago

    by I Rita Valentine I

    S-a-d very truly sad, but,hey, what can ya say most peepz just gotta find out the hard way. but, bravo! bravo! wonderful poem! keep it up -.^ and dont give up! (if poem made cause of life experient)

  • 17 years ago

    by MyMuse

    Hmm you know i can reflect on this one, very nice job on it :] It is a beautiful tradgy :] but verry sad :[ tears cant get enough of them :P x3


    Tc Tiffiany


  • 17 years ago

    by oshtia

    Awwlll babez i love this poem it is really good!
    ive felt like that before nD im glad you wrote it!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Lizaveta

    I like this one

    very heart-felt poem

  • 17 years ago

    by Tiiffaanyy

    Haha thx ppl :)