Eloquence-herald of life

by rahul   Nov 18, 2007

life is a bloody race,
run with an elegant grace,
bash on regardless with a fiery pace.
hurdles will come
they are inevitable,
but hang on with faith
it is indispensable.
have zeal to reach the unreached heights,
believe in yourself fight till the end ,
whatever may be the tides.
do not worry
never let down,
you are born to win
on your head is the winning crown.
even in times of despair
when you are lost,
don't get numb
be kicking even in frost.
vanquish your salty tears
unknown fears,
you will emerge victorious
who may be your peers.
with vibrant hues,
you will never be lost
god will provide clues.
work hard
play harder on game called life,
after all its your life
make it large.


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  • 16 years ago

    by silent turbulence

    Very well written!! keep it up!

  • 17 years ago

    by pravin

    i m pravin,,really a nice feeling about life in such a young age...nice thinking brother

  • 17 years ago

    by Bekka Smekka

    Terrific poem! very inspiring!! :P 5/5 for me

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