Memories of us

by crystaljean88   Nov 19, 2007

The long talks,
And the kisses so sweet.
The memories of us,
I could never delete.

Love at first sight,
Was the day we met.
All the memories of us,
I could never forget.

Tears of hurt,
Over arguments shared,
Cherish all the memories,
I know you always cared.

Ups and downs,
With feelings all around.
Never forget the memories of us,
For your heart is what I found.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Emily

    WOW this one is amazing!! im like seriously speechless 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Melpomene

    I didn't enjoy this poem as much as the rest of yours, it was good but to me not great. The flow seemed a little off to me in some places causing it to almost jump while I was reading it. The emotion was deep I liked that about the poem I ld feel it was real though at the same time some of your lines were too cliche for my liking. I think you could really work well with longer lines too I'd like to see that coming from you, a different style. Overall a good piece but not a favorite by you. Good effort. ~Mel

  • 17 years ago

    by Mandy


    i love this poem because i can relate to it so well. my fav stanza was:

    The long talks,
    And the kisses so sweet.
    The memories of us,
    I could never delete.

    i love it because it was so sweet and true. keep up the awesome work.

  • 17 years ago

    by Blissful

    The emotions here were real and ones I could relate with. I do think the flow was a bit rocky and things felt forced. Other than that it was a good poem.

  • 17 years ago

    by Korrenn

    Great poem! It has a lot of passion behind the words.

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