I Know This Hurts, it was Meant to.

by I Seem to be the Heartless   Nov 19, 2007

"Can't buy me love",
Does that ring a bell?
The Beatles sang it,
So you should know it well.

Those words are the
Story of my young life.
For some reason you seem to think
You can pay away all my strife.

Your money means nothing
In my dismal world of pain.
Your money cannot buy
Sunshine through the pouring rain.

When will you
Turn around to see
Just what it is
That you're doing to me?

Will you ever understand
That my love cannot be bought?
Or is it a lesson that, as a child,
You were never taught?

I know it must be hard to be
A 'loving parent' all the time,
But why do you always pretend to be someone else's
And never mine?

I have never understood
Your definition of 'love' and 'affection'
I think I'd feel more at home
Getting a lethal injection.

You've never known
Anything about me.
I've been living a lie
And you refuse to see.

Each time I share
A piece of myself with you,
You just ignore everything -
I guess you don't know what else to do.

But when the day comes
That I am gone,
For you to finally understand,
I don't think it'll take long.

You'll finally see that your money
Can't buy you love,
But by then it'll be too late -
My spirit will be represented by a white dove.

Copyright©JosieWentzel19November 2007
This was done for a contest


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  • 16 years ago

    by Cobra

    Very nice, I enjoyed it very much.