Silence Sings to Starless Souls (song)

by Corinne   Nov 19, 2007

Silence sings to starless souls
A melancholy tune
One that plays on endlessly
For those who've left too soon

Their danse macabre remains unseen
By those with mortal eyes
Though we will learn the steps one day
And twirl 'neath unlit skies

Sway with abandon, lift your feet
Whenever the churchbell tolls
You soon will move to the melody sweet
Silence sings to starless souls


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Latest Comments

  • 15 years ago

    by Jay Perry Jr

    This is a very beautiful poem 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by mohamad aref numan

    Its really wonderful

  • 16 years ago

    by blackheartslove

    This is incredible. its beautifully written! i loved every word of it.

  • 16 years ago

    by Deana

    This is really beautiful Corinne, I thought the rhyming was perfect , and the message so sincere and touching. Sometimes they do leave too soon, well done!

  • 16 years ago

    by Phantasmagoria

    'danse macabre'
    'Sway with abandon lift your feet'
    both lines that serve the poem well, especially with their descriptiveness and the way that they personify themselves and interact with human action. =] The only thing that I would suggest to change for future writing is to rhyme less. The less that you rhyme 'on cue' and in repitition, the more that when you do rhyme, it will capture the reader's attention and make the piece feel more original.