Darkness clouds,
Whats happy inside,
Black covers me out,
No white left inside,
Two colors of faith decide my fate,
Flips the coin,
Not knowing of thy gate,
Entrance to real,
Not faking it out,
I use my wrist to figure it out,
Blade at the ready,
Piercing my wrist,
Splintering my soul,
Falls deep in abyss,
Cuts through the pipe,,
Leaving a hole,
Marks me black,
Black's the way I go,
Everything seems so easy,
Seems everything so real,
Comforts my soul,
So I made the deal,
With the one I decide,
I remain and stay,
My signature on that,
Everything seems to fade,
I lie in the nightmare,
I dreamt to be,
Pit of the souls, never came to be,
Struggling for a piece,
A piece of me,
Truth seemed brighter,
I took a step back,
Found the way shut behind me,
Nowhere to go back..
Wiw if I commented how I wanted too, there'd be a lot of #$&@$@!!!! 's.... This is (insert bad word) amazing. Your style if great. I love it! 5/5 from me