Not sure if you believed it
But you felt
That it was yours
To fight for
And stand for
And never back down
You helped me
With my life
And turned it around
You were the friend
I never had
Our friendship was something
I'd never shared before
It was a blessing
A gift
That I truly adore
What friend can forget
The memories she made
How friendship changed her life
And made her feel sane
Gave her hope
A reason to believe
That there was a purpose to life
And it was more than just living
It is to believe in yourself
And others
All the way
Never back down
And be strong
Its okay to walk away
You'll always be forgiven
Just make sure to return
Not a coward
Will you be
A strong friend
Is the right thing
You were all these things
And more to me
You were a life changer
A super girl
You saved me and my life
From the constant twirl
I was in
Now I can live my life
In a way I understand
I breath and sleep
The truth now
And its because of you
That I can
So now I'm thanking you
For the lessons you've taught
You've changed my life forever
Gave me the life I sought