Daddy please don't cry!

by Jade Dobinson   Nov 19, 2007

This poem was written for the love of my life, who lost a son at a very young age. This loss has left the man I love unable to dedicate and commit to our relationship and we are no longer together. I wanted this poem to bring him some comfort and to help him share my belief that just because he is no longer here, doesnt mean his son no longer loves his daddy. I have written very few poems and im sure this could be a lot better, but it was written from the heart and with all the love in the world. ILYA. XXXXXXXXX

Daddy I know your hurting,

And your upset that I left,

It pains me when I watch you cry,

To see the sadness in your eyes.

I havent gone that far away,

Ive never really left you,

I hear you when you say my name,

And Ill always love you just the same.

Ill forever be beside you,

To keep you far from harm,

My sister and my brother too,

I keep them safe, I wish you knew.

Although my face you cannot see,

My hands you cannot hold,

My Angel wings, I have but two,

They let me fly above with you.

So daddy please dont worry,

Im happy and Im safe,

The only thing that I wish for,

Is to see you truly smile once more. x


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  • 17 years ago

    by WiNgS Of StEeL

    This is a wonderful poem....and i bet the man you wrote this for has appreciated that you hv taken the tym to write let him kno that his son will always be his truly.....his son will never be truly gone for if he still has memories of the happy times they spent together then he's always with you!!

    keep it up
    gr8 poem..

    plz read and comment on some of my poems, any that catch ur fancy:D
    tk care

  • 17 years ago

    by Im In Love What Can I Say

    Omg this is so sad. i love this poem. the flow is nice and its good.

    Although my face you cannot see,
    My hands you cannot hold,...

    ^^ those lines are very sweet. i love them. i can relate to them also. i lost my baby cousin and i miss him so much, but your poem made me happy because now i think that hes there for me eventhough he isnt in life right beside to me i know that hes watching me from up above. 5/5