Comments : Dead on Arrival

  • 17 years ago

    by ABake

    That emotion was wow. I feel so emo reading this. Jk. First, this line was pure amazement for me "Agony enjoys my frown" It just was wow. Lol. I loved the whole poem. Your wording, metaphors everything was just great. Great write!


  • 17 years ago

    by FridusBlueheaven

    This is another emotional poem, it's a bit distractive and I can't understand what you want to express in some line. But thanks to the title (that once again interesting) and this line "Creating a void in my moth-filled pocket." Great job!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Tracy D Rollings

    Excellent written poem , very emotional , and very sad , heartreaking is more like it, but it speaks loud and has great meaning to it , great job , love the lines ::::

    From a fire long put out
    So unsweet it embitters my soul
    Do not ask, I will not answer
    I will not cast sadness into your veins
    Only know not to question me
    I am gone,
    Never to return...whats more, I never really left
    This place of unrelentless cruelty
    I was eternally stuck
    Dead on arrival

    Wonderful job , keep it up ,,, your friend Tracy d ~~~5/5~~~