Child of Nature

by Brittney Follett   Nov 21, 2007

There is a lone bench sitting under a scarlet tree
Dead leaves surrounded this simple desolate place.
None come to visit this forsaken piece of beauty
It shows that some think it as just another waste.

This place has accepted its solitary confinement.
But a single person comes by and takes a seat.
Air whispering in confusion: Who is this man?
Is he just a trespasser giving rest to his feet?

Whoever this intruder is, he is not wanted...
The wind starts to blow; the tree starts to creek.
The startled man is aroused; he quickly departs
This sacred place is not for a dense man to sleep.

A single child appears before this great crimson tree.
She kneels and gathers her spirit, "I am sacrifice."
This sacred place lives on through this innocent being.
This place remains alive, she has agreed to the price.

There is a lone bench sitting under a scarlet tree
Dead leaves surrounded this simple desolate place.
One comes to visit this forsaken piece of beauty
The Child of Nature wanders this isolated space.

Copyright Brittney Follett

-Did it for a picture Contest. Here's the Pic:-


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  • 17 years ago

    by Karl Wild GG23

    I thought this poem was outstanding and there is really no need for me to look at the actual picture, I have the perfect image in my head already. Great flow and word choice as well, I usually stop to take notice of the little things, everything has something beautiful about it. Excellent job 5/5 GG23

  • 17 years ago

    by Blissful

    What makes a nature poem stand out and amaze, is its wonderful imagery, and that is what this poem possessed. Each line was just refreshing and beautiful in each way. The scene you described in detail, etched into my mind as I read, which made the mood of the poem get across quite effectively. Overall. a wonderful read. Well done *5/5*

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