I Wish I was as Invisible as You Make Me Feel {ACROSTIC}

by I Seem to be the Heartless   Nov 21, 2007

If ever I had felt alone, today

Was the day. You made me feel like
I wasn't even there; like you never
Saw me standing there
Holding out my hand to be saved.

I felt so invisible.

Weren't you the one who
Asked me to be yours,
Saying you want more than just a fling?

Aren't you the on who
Said to me that

I am everything you want in a woman? And
Now, you pretend that what we had has
Vanished into thin air.
I no longer exist to you do I? Your
Brutalness has
Left me wishing that I had never
Even been born.

After all the things you've
Said and done, I believed that

Your words would
One day come true.
Unfortunately that was never to be.

My heart has been violently
Abused by someone who I thought would
Keep it safe,
Even when the skies turned black.

My soul was destroyed by you,
Even though I somehow knew it would be. I

Feel as if I am invisible. The
End has come way too soon. I believed this would be an
Endless love. But it was a stupid thing to hope for. You have
Left me wishing I was as invisible as you make me feel.

This was done for a contest


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  • 16 years ago

    by Cobra

    Very nice 5/5