The Road Not Taken

by HOLLYWOODxBANGBANG   Nov 22, 2007

The road not taken is layed out before us,
Waiting to feel our steady feet run on,
Paved by our proud parents, smiling bright;
And the educators who molded our minds.
From our ABC`s to our 123`s, we were taught,
The differences between right and wrong,
And those of us who had it in is to hold on,
Can now proudly hold this memory with them.
There is more down this road for us to encounter,
And you can count on it being ready for us,
It will beat at us, break us down; but we`ll carry on.

The road not taken is paved in shimmering gold,
And all the smiling faces tonight assure us,
That the rest is there, waiting -- but we can do it.
Take life by the hands and hold on tight,
Because it will spin out of control from time to time,
But it will always slow down, let us walk on.
The path from here is divided, we have to part,
And it is time to say good-bye, to live our lives.
So together, lets close the chapter on our past,
And write our futures that remain unwritten.
So live life to the fullest, without any regrets,
Make these pages of our lives worth reading,
Because the road not taken still awaits,
And it is ready to put some shine on its` rust.

-Jenna Elphick
November 21, 2007


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  • 17 years ago

    by ilu

    Good choice of words!!!i loved it....