People say that I'm lucky...
i get to have a happy life, have a
good boyfriend and some say that i
have everything a girl could wish for
others think life is so perfect...
bu t that's their opinion...
they just don't know how bad it feels
like to be with someone you ain't sure
if you really love...
i don't know how to make him happy,
can't swallow my pride for him, can't
compromise, and there are things i
can't do for him...
all i can think of when we argue is my
ex...i always compare both...realizing
how empty and blank i feel.. so
confused and lost...
at all times i wish to have someone
who'll love me for who i am and is
willing to erase my flaws...
i just want to forget the pain I'd
been through..repress every dark
memories on my mind... and live life
like there's nothing to worry about...
i know how much I'm loved.. i felt and
saw it all through out...but i have
never felt so complete...
I've been out often to search for
myself, my happiness and my
needs...I've let go of everything,
risked all what I've got and stayed
all alone...
later I've realized that people were
right... i had the best of
everything...lucky and almost
but I've lost...deceived by my selfish
thoughts and feelings...and swallowed
by pride instead of swallowing
it...s tuck with expectations that are
so vague...
I've been so insensitive and blind
enough to know that true love was just
right in front of me...
I've messed up..
i screwed everything...
I've e wasted so much...
and I've lost!